Thursday, October 24, 2013

Week 4 EOC: There's an App for that

The type of App I have came up with will be an App that can literally tell you if there's a spirit or some type of deceased person either with you, near you, or possibly a few miles away. We see that there are apps that monitor the direction of a cop car, there are medium that can physically feel a spirit and are able to communicate with them. Technology is extremely advancing, and its only going to continue to grow and grow. Ghost stories have been around for generations, and that have kinda been trending these days. There are plenty of shows and movies about them. We have also been able to come up with technology that can monitor ghost or even as we may "think" able to understand their words. So why not come up with an App that can let you know, Hey! I'm near by, or you're heading into my direction. We have came so obsessed with spirits that some of us have been a bit frightened to even think that we may be around certain spirits. Personally speaking, I wouldn't want to move into a place where there are creepy happenings. The app can serve as a safety measure, or it could probably even help the popular Ghost Hunters. Lets call it, Are You Afraid?
I also thought about maybe an app that could communicate with animals, I recently saw a documentary about Sea World, and how their company comes across to the killer whales. If only there was something out there that could tell us how they feel and we could comprehend what they are trying to tell us. I think this way, there could be justice for animals, especially the ones that are decreasing, we want to be able to save our animals, not kill them to extinction, this way we are able to properly care for them if they do live in zoo's and water parks. This app wouldn't just help protect them, but it can even protect us when we are in dangerous situations. Just to assure these animals we mean no harm to them.

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